power grip
Since Trump officially crowned himself President of the United States just over a week ago, the entire world has been in an uproar over the sweeping and rigorous decisions made by the new administration. What may look from the outside like chaos and impulsive, testosterone-fueled power plays is, in reality, the beginning of a sophisticated and progressive policy agenda.
Recently, we obtained strategy documents from the White House that clearly outline the roadmap for the next 100 years of Republican rule over America (which, according to these plans, will soon be the new name for the entire planet).
Tariffs—aka "freedom taxes"—are on everyone’s lips and mark Trump's first step toward making America greater than ever before. Critics have long pointed out that tariffs ultimately burden consumers, as the increased import costs are simply passed down. However, the Trump administration officially insists that tariffs will force manufacturers to relocate production to the U.S.— making their products competitive again—thus strengthening the economy.
But as the leaked documents reveal, this is merely part of a grander strategy known as **PftP (Propaganda for the Proletariat).** The strategy paper states:
"We are fully aware that relocating businesses to the territory of what is currently called the United States will drive up costs for consumers—higher wages and production expenses will inevitably be passed on to the customer."
Shockingly, this appears to be the actual goal. The document further explains:
"Higher costs will lead to a significant drop in consumption, which in turn will reduce the energy demand of both industries and households."
"Relocating the remaining industries closer to their markets will further amplify the positive effects by minimizing transport distances—dramatically reducing global CO2 emissions in the process."
The last section is truly mind-blowing—despite the administration’s Racist and sexist propaganda, it seems the Trump government has correctly identified the real issues.
And on page 214 of the strategy paper, the discrepancy between rhetoric and action becomes crystal clear. It reads:
"People are just too dumb. So we have to lie and distract them ..."
Who would have thought? The end of the world has been postponed—at least for now.